Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Kracker Barrel Awards : Kwaanza ?? Negro Please !!

Dear Readers :

While the management of The C.I.A. { Crackers In Action } believes that the fact that Mr. Paul Stanner is the most muti - talented Kracker in the Krackerverse is eminently obvious we do recognize that he is not the only talented Kracker in the Krackerverse so consequently we will feature what we feel are deserving efforts by our Kracker Brethern and Sisthren whenever their efforts strike us as worthy of a little recognition. The only reward these Krackers will get from this is a Cracker Salute and what little recognition exposure on this site brings. Hey hey Krackers I don’t want to hear your pissing and moaning we are living on Kracker Krumbs here !! Take the recognition such as it is and be happy.

Today we bring you a strikingly honest article on the state of the Black community written by a young Black woman by the name of Vanessa " Sapphire " Anderson. Vanessa is one of the 32 Black Conservatives in the country and is no shrinking violet when it comes to telling it how it is. She is amazingly talented. Be sure and check out her blog " Following Harriett " You won't be disappointed.

" Kwaanza ?? Negroe Please !!

By Vanessa " Sapphire " Anderson

Kwanzaa is a prime example of the incredulous, buck naked ignorance displayed by a large portion of “African-Americans”.  Too many are too eager to latch on to anything “African” without researching it to find out the origin, or if it’s offensive to their Christian faith;  the faith that most Blacks profess to have.  Kwanzaa is an anti-Christian, fake holiday that was created by a foolish, Black social justicetype, called Maulana Karenga. His real name is not so “African” sounding. It’s Ronald McKinley Everett… yuup, Lil’ Ron-Ron from da hood! 
Ronald Everett was one of those professors of “Africana” Studies, which is the WORST kind of subject material that any educational institution can offer; right along with Chicano Studies,  Women Studies and similar topics!  These subjects are purely meant to indoctrinate! And, of course he was set free to spread his poison throughout California classrooms. 
Mr. Everett founded and celebrated  Kwanzaa in 1966-67. He wanted to establish a “holiday” for Black people (self-segregation)  that was a substitute for Christmas because he felt that Jesus was  psychotic and Christmas was the White man’s holiday, even though Christ isn’t White.  He actually said the words… “Jesus is psychotic.”  When you Christians are lighting up those Kwanzaa candles, did you know that the founder of Kwanzaa felt that way about your Savior? Bet ya didn’t! 
As if his anti-Christian, impious statements and beliefs weren’t bad enough, in 1971, Lil Ron-Ron was sentenced to ten years in prison for felonious assault and false imprisonment. He held two women against their will,  and tortured them by stripping them naked and then beating them with electrical cords; sticking a hotsoldering iron in one of their mouths and placing the iron against the others cheek.  They were beaten with various other objects and while being held down, water mixed with detergent was forced in their mouths through a hose.  Original water boarder?  This is the man whose “holiday” many of you have readily accepted as a connection to and representation of your African heritage.  Everett was not African, but he sure was NUTS… and he had the nerve to call Jesus psychotic? Riiiiight! 
Blacks born in the USA are Americans and therefore, your culture and heritage is Americana.  Our ancestors DESERVE that we acknowledge our American heritage.  After all, they fought and died for our right to be here. Studying the roles that Blacks played in building this country will serve you well and could prevent so many of you from getting punked all the time. Gee!
I have no idea why so many Black people to this day are still trying to identify with Africa. Well, let me tell you something…. Africans don’t identify with Black Americans. They think we are lazy and take our freedoms for granted. The Africans are actually on to something with their opinion… they’re right about some of us.  Yep! 
Acceptance of Kwanzaa without batting an eye, is an example of how so many Blacks in America get  brainwashed. The original intent behind Kwanzaa was to pull Blacks away from Christianity and Christmas. The true history of Kwanzaa  has been revised, reinvented or destroyed, just like the majority of contributions made by Black Americans throughout our history.  It’s easy to distort and destroy history  because many just take what’s presented to them at face value. Many just go with the flow… no questions asked!   The truth will set you free folks. People aren’t so easily brainwashed  and manipulated when they are armed with facts and knowledge. 
Lil Ron-Ron proved that if you paint a pretty enough picture (the values of Kwanzaa) on a worthless canvas (the original destructive intent of Kwanzaa), people will be so mesmerized by the pretty picture that they won’t bother drilling down to check out the foundation. When you Christians celebrate Kwanzaa, you’re practicing paganism… just so you know!!  I’m constantly amazed at how quickly Blacks will yell praise the Lord,  but will push him to the side in a heartbeat for things that are clearly  anti-Christ and causes one to sin. I guess some of you folk will do anything to support the “blackness”.   What…. are……..thinking??!!
Today, Kwanzaa is marketed as the celebration of African American Heritage; celebrating family, culture and community. Seven principals are celebrated from December 26th through January 1st. Those seven principals are:

  • Umoja (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.
  • Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves stand up
  • Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.
  • Ujamaa (family): The belief in family and general communal understanding.
  • Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.
  • Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
  • Imani (Faith): To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.
Let’s be real, shall we?  To those of you celebrating Kwanzaa… cut it out! With all this Black on Black crime, a 70% illegitimacy rate, and ran down projects and inner cities, ya’ll are not living this! Posers!
Merry Christmas to the true Christians!  You Kwanzaa pagans need to stop playin’!



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